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    When the invisible becomes visible

    It’s exciting when the invisible,  something we long to see, becomes visible. Well, today on Discover the Word, the group will help open our eyes to see Jesus, who is the exact representation of God. We can’t touch Jesus with our physical senses, but we can know Him through those who did . . . […]

    God reveals Himself through His Son, Jesus

    Who is Jesus? It’s a question people always ask. But is it really that much of a mystery? This week on Discover the Word, we discuss how in the past God revealed Himself in many ways,  but the most complete and radical way is through His only Son, Jesus. Be part of the group as they […]

    How God reveals Himself to us

    Watch any home makeover TV show and you’ll see that “the reveal” is the big deal. Today on Discover the Word, join the group as they discuss God’s “Big Reveal.” Since the time of Adam, the Creator has been revealing Himself through nature, his prophets, His chosen people, and in the fullness of time through His […]

    More than Walking on Water

    While doing research for a sermon, I stumbled upon a curious creature—the “Jesus Christ lizard.” That’s another name for the common basilisk, a small lizard from South America that’s able to run on its rear legs on the surface of water. This might seem like a miracle, but the basilisk is able to accomplish this feat because of the skin between its toes, allowing it to float on the water for the briefest of moments. Without those flaps of skin, the common basilisk would be, well, common!

    No Fear

    Nearly every time an angel appears in the Bible, the first words he says are “Do not be afraid!” (Dan. 10:12, 19; Matt. 28:5; Rev. 1:17). Little wonder. When the supernatural makes contact with planet Earth, it usually leaves the human observers flat on their faces in catatonic fear. But Luke tells of God making an appearance on earth in a form that does not frighten. In Jesus, born in a barn and laid in a feeding trough, God finds at last a mode of approach that we need not fear. What could be less scary than a newborn baby?


    Begging the Question?

    People sometimes say “That begs the question” when referring to something that raises a query. But begging the question actually means to put forth an argument with a premise that assumes the conclusion. In other words, the reasoning is circular and therefore illogical.

    Our Saving Faith

    This world was once a perfect place where God and Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship. Unfortunately the world did not stay that way. This course will reveal how that once-perfect relationship was wrecked through sin and that now all mankind is born sinful. You will also learn about the one person who can wipe away all your sin. This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Is Jesus Enough?

    During the First World War, Oswald Chambers was walking past a woman’s house accompanied by his wife, Biddy. The woman was very sick, and Biddy asked, “I wonder what God is going to do?” Chambers replied, in essence, that he was more concerned about who God is versus what He would choose to do. Now these weren’t the words of a man indifferent to the suffering of another person. He merely spoke of his total reliance on the personality and character of God, rather than merely hoping for what He might do. Though concerned for the woman and her condition, the…

    Happy Ascension Day

    Let me be the first to say to you, Happy Ascension Day! Today we commemorate when Jesus’ disciples witnessed their risen Lord being “taken up to heaven” (Luke 24:50-51). It’s understandable if you didn’t know about this special date. Generally speaking, it’s a day on the church calendar that often comes quietly and goes with little attention or fanfare.

    Stories in a Cabin

    The vintage cabin, expertly constructed from hand-hewn logs, was worthy of a magazine cover. But the structure itself was only half the treasure. Inside, family heirlooms clung to the walls, infusing the home with memories. On the table sat a hand-woven egg basket, an ancient biscuit board, and an oil lamp. A weathered pork pie hat perched over the front door. “There’s a story behind everything,” the proud owner said. 

    When God gave Moses instructions for constructing the tabernacle, there was a “story” behind everything (Ex. 25–27). The tabernacle had only one entrance, just as we have only one way to…

    When the Water Blushed

    Why did Jesus come to Earth before the invention of photography and video? Couldn’t He have reached more people if everyone could see Him? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

    “No,” says Ravi Zacharias, who asserts that a word can be worth “a thousand pictures.” As evidence, he quotes poet Richard Crashaw’s magnificent line, “The conscious water saw its Master and blushed.” In one simple line, Crashaw captures the essence of Jesus’ first miracle (John 2:1-11). Creation itself recognizes Jesus as the Creator. No mere carpenter could turn water to wine.

    Another time, when Christ calmed a storm with…

    How our decisions can shape our future

    “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.” That famous line from a film can easily be applied to Jesus’s encounter with Pontius Pilate that the “Discover the Word” group is focusing on this week. Even when the Truth was standing right in front of him, Pilate couldn’t rise above the political pressure that influenced how he responded to Jesus. How did Pilate’s fateful decision shape the rest of his life and what lesson can that teach us? Listen today on “Discover the Word”!

    Do we compromise truth to keep the peace?

    Building a coalition is good when we’re doing it for the right motive. Compromise is an important part of politics on many different levels. But today on “Discover the Word,” as we continue our look at Pontius Pilate, we will discuss how compromising truth in order to “keep the peace” is not a good idea. Join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    What is truth?

    What is truth? Do you know who first asked that famous question? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a new study called “Pontius Pilate.” And you guessed it—Pilate was the one who, at Jesus’s trial, was confused and tormented by that question. Find out why on “Discover the Word”!

    Power in His Name

    After dropping my kids off at school, I drove onto a busy road and turned on some Christian music. Worrying my way through a long to-do list, I started to feel overwhelmed. Just then, I saw a sign in the back window of a car that read JESUS. At the same moment, the name Jesus was sung by someone on the radio. Hearing and seeing “Jesus” in the same instant snapped me out of my anxious state as I considered the power and hope found in His name (Matthew 28:20).

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